
Cache Action

Save and restore files as a cache in GitHub Actions. Use this project to cache dependencies or build outputs to speed up GitHub Actions workflows.

This project comprises two components: a GitHub Action that can be used directly in workflows and a JavaScript library that contains functions for use in a JavaScript Action.

Use the following snippet to include the action in a GitHub workflow:

- name: Cache Dependencies
uses: threeal/cache-action@v0.3.0
key: a-key
version: a-version
files: a-file another-file

By default, the action will attempt to restore files from a cache if it exists; otherwise, it will save files to a cache at the end of the workflow run.

To restore and save the cache in separate steps, refer to the restore and save sub-actions.

Name Value Type Description
key String The cache key.
version String The cache version.
files Multiple Strings The files to be cached, separated by spaces or newlines.
Name Value Type Description
restored true or false A boolean value indicating whether the cache was successfully restored.

The following example demonstrates how to use the action to cache Node.js dependencies in a GitHub Action workflow:

name: Build
name: Build Project
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout Project
uses: actions/checkout@v4.2.1

- name: Cache Dependencies
id: cache-deps
uses: threeal/cache-action@v0.3.0
key: node-deps
version: ${{ hashFiles('package-lock.json') }}
files: node_modules

- name: Install Dependencies
if: steps.cache-deps.outputs.restored == 'false'
run: npm install

# Do something

This action will attempt to restore a cache with the key node-deps and a version specified by the hash of the package-lock.json file. If the cache exists, it will restore the node_modules directory and skip dependency installation. Otherwise, it will install the dependencies and save the node_modules to the cache at the end of the workflow run.

Install the JavaScript library using a package manager:

npm install cache-action

Import the functions using the import statement:

import { restoreCache, saveCache } from "cache-action";

const restored = await restoreCache("a-key", "a-version");
if (!restored) {
// Do something...

await saveCache("a-key", "a-version", ["a-file", "another-file"]);

The library provides two functions: restoreCache for restoring files from a cache and saveCache for saving files to a cache. Refer to the library documentation here for more details on function usage.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

Copyright © 2024 Alfi Maulana